Why Detox ?

07/22/2015 18:39

Initiates weight loss

Usually, the pace at which low fiber foods move in the digestive tract is four times slower than that of high-fiber alternatives. As a result of the slow movement of these low fiber foods, there is an accumulation of mucous on the intestinal walls and a consequent weighing down of the intestinal tract with loads of decaying feces.

Weight loss is enhanced by colon cleansing; records have shown that there are people who lost up to 20 pounds in a month. On the average, the human colon is four pounds in weight when empty, and it is capable of storing the quantity of food that can be taken in eight meals prior to actual digestion. By ceasing your colon, you can lose weight and improve metabolism. You will also be able to concentrate on better foods to achieve wellness in your entire body

Saves you from colon cancer

There is much work for your gastrointestinal system and liver to do as a result of the loads of toxins you drink, eat, breathe in and even absorb via your skin. Failure to evacuate them from your liver and colon on time can be dangerous to your systems. Through the constant release of body waste, there is reduced the risk of cysts, polyps and cancerous growths in your gastrointestinal tract and colon.